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Pioneering Choice and Connectivity as Standard Charter Companies Embrace Change

(TRAVPR.COM) SWITZERLAND - June 4th, 2024 - 2024 marks a transformative year for the yachting and sailing industry, with charter companies increasingly embracing cabin charters to meet growing demand from adventurers seeking flexible and cost-effective sailing options. Among the frontrunners leading this charge is Intersailclub, with over 20 years of unparalleled expertise in the cabin charter sector, connecting captains and enthusiasts worldwide, providing unparalleled by-the-cabin charter solutions from Europe to Exotic Destinations.

From the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean to the tropical allure of the Seychelles and French Polynesia, Intersailclub caters to every sailor's dream. Explore the picturesque coastlines of Italy, Greece, Spain, Turkey and Croatia, sailing to iconic destinations like the Amalfi Coast, the Aeolian Islands, and new favored destinations like Montenegro. 

For those seeking more exotic adventures, Intersailclub offers unforgettable journeys to the Maldives, Thailand, Bahamas, BVI, San Blas, Cuba, and many more. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or new to the nautical world, Intersailclub has a diverse fleet of sailboats, catamarans, and traditional gulets to suit every preference and level of expertise.

“We are thrilled to witness the growing enthusiasm for cabin charters and are committed to providing our clients with unparalleled sailing experience to explore some of the world's most beautiful sailing destinations,”  said Luca Lianza, CEO at Intersailclub. “With our extensive global network and commitment to customer satisfaction, Intersailclub remains the ultimate choice for anyone wishing to enjoy the luxury of a cabin charter anywhere in the world.”

About Intersailclub:

With over two decades of experience, Intersailclub is a leading authority in the global cabin charter industry. Committed to excellence and innovation, the company offers a wide range of by-the-cabin charter options in some of the world’s most breathtaking sailing destinations. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing coastal cruise in Europe or an adventurous oceanic voyage in exotic locations, has the expertise and resources to make your sailing dreams a reality.


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Name: Nila Megna
Company: Intersailclub
Phone: +39 375 699 6472
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