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America's Vacation Deficit Disorder

America's Vacation Deficit Disorder Costs the U.S. Economy over $1 Trillion and Shortens American Life Expectancy

(TRAVPR.COM) U.S. - June 18th, 2013 - Los Angeles, CA – America's Vacation Deficit Disorder: Who Stole Your Vacation? reveals some startling and expensive revelations about how Americans spend their leisure time, and how much our lack of vacations is costing the U.S. economy.

The newly published and well-researched cultural narrative about American vacation habits, boldly connects the dots that explains not only Who Stole Our Vacations? and presents some big disconnects, but paints a shocking portrait of why most Americans are indeed growing vacation poorer.

"It was not my original intention to ring alarm bells researching American's love affair with their vacations, but that is where I arrived at," says author William D. Chalmers about his third book. "Simply put, America, now labeled as the no-vacation nation, has a trillion dollar national crisis on its hands and is in dire need of an intervention. Our vacation deficit is costing U.S. businesses and taxpayers over a trillion dollars a year and is shortening many American lives! It is my sincerest hope that everyone who loves America will take heed."

A few of the distressing American Vacation Deficit Disorder realities that affect our health and economy are:

      • That not taking vacations costs businesses, taxpayers and hard working Americans between $2,300 and $3,800 per person per year!

      • That not taking vacations negatively affects our health to the point that it increases our risk of premature death by at least 20%!

      • That not taking regular vacations wrecks personal lives and alienates us from our families and communities!

      • That not taking vacations affects almost half of all hard working U.S. employees!

      • And that taking a one or two week vacation is actually good for business and the U.S. economy!

America's Vacation Deficit Disorder is a call to arms that is sure to bring about a national dialogue that hopefully ushers in the pennies on the dollar 4% Solution to America's trillion dollar problem; onethat affects our personal health and happiness, our relationships and families, our nation's sense of community and history, as well as our runaway medical costs, America's competitiveness, corporate bottom-lines, and most importantly, our life expectancies.

The paperback edition of "America's Vacation Deficit Disorder: Who Stole Our Vacation?" is now available at better book stores and online at Amazon Books and Barnes & Noble.

About the Author: William D. Chalmers is the author of "On the Origin of the Species homo touristicus"(2011) and "A Blind Date With The World" (2000); he is also a regular op-ed contributor to the San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, and the American-Statesman, among other outlets and a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, on the weighty social issues of the day. He serves as the Event Director for the world’s only real annual around the world travel adventure competition The Global Scavenger Hunt; and as an international speaker, William has given multi-media presentations on topics that include: Travel in the Post 9/11 World, and Authentic Travel in the Age of Reality TV.

For additional press-related information, including: obtaining travel photos, e-Press Kits, a video news release (VNR), scheduling an interview or a speaking engagement, please contact:  Pamela L. Finmark - 310.281.7809, or


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Name: Pamela L. Finmark
Company: The Global Scavenger Hunt
Phone: 3102817809
Web: www.GlobalScavengerHunt....
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