All across Africa, volunteer travel is on the rise. But who is really benefitting from volunteer travel, the communities or the international agencies charging huge sums to organise a volunteer placement?
(TRAVPR.COM) UNITED KINGDOM - July 8th, 2013 - All across Africa, volunteer travel is on the rise. But who is really benefitting from volunteer travel, the communities or the international agencies charging huge sums to organise a volunteer placement? Volunteering should benefit the communities and The Ethical Volunteer has set out to make sure that happens!
In March and April 2013, The Ethical Volunteer (TEV) travelled to Malawi to film the activities of grassroots projects and lodges throughout the towns, villages and parks of Malawi.
TEV is an online video travel guide that improves the way international volunteering is carried out. They travel the world to visit projects that are run by the community, for the community. Staying at local hostels and lodges, eating local food, taking local transport, they film every step of the way so that they can highlight everything the volunteer needs to know to travel to, and within, each country. The project is designed to help future volunteers to organise their own placements. What’s more, we highlight the negative, along with the positive, aspects of volunteering to encourage a more ethical approach.
You can check out films about volunteering with Malawi's Fisherman’s Rest, and other projects and lodges in Malawi, by going to :