Travelauto, is set ready to commence its operations Worldwide to cater the car rental, limousines and cab operators via a strong social media platform
(TRAVPR.COM) PRESS RELEASE - July 19th, 2013 - Hyderabad, INDIA - Travelauto India Pvt. Ltd, a start-up with the fresh aroma, now sets ready its platform to cater the car rental, limousine services, and cab operators worldwide, through its portal In action, Travelauto is in the process of opening global offices in United States of America and in United Kingdom (London).
Being a fresh start-up, Travelauto has done a thorough study regarding the travel transport industry covering car rental, limousines and cabs across the globe, to understand the needs of travellers and service providers. Based on research and understanding, Travelauto is developing a platform for connecting Service Providers and Travellers directly without having to go through middlemen, brokers, agents etc. The idea is to eliminate cost of intermediaries and the benefits of this savings may be shared between Service Providers and Travellers.
Unlike other portals, Travelauto charges only fixed transaction fees from service providers irrespective of the value of the rental bill. Travellers shall be able to read reviews and study the quality ratings before choosing a reliable service provider. This kind of system enables service providers to differentiate their company on the basis of service quality with others.
“Our success relies in highlighting the right car rental, limousine and cab services companies to our visitors and their reviews about the service provider the experienced with. Meanwhile providing an opportunity for the service provider to directly interact with the customer, and understand their customer requirements, whilst providing ample opportunities for sales and marketing of their brand through” said Ms. Madhavi, Product Manager at Travelauto.
To learn more about Travelauto, visit If you are a car rental, limousine or a Cab Service Provider, looking to get listed in Travelauto visit -