Kosher Expeditions crew visits Vienna's oldest Jewish Cemetery.
(TRAVPR.COM) UNITED STATES - February 5th, 2014 - The Kosher Expeditions crew was just in Vienna getting ready for our upcoming Pesach Riverboat Cruise and had to share our incredibly unique and surreal visit to Vienna's oldest Jewish cemetery. After asking around the neighborhood for some time trying to locate it, we were lead to the backyard of a modern retirement home and located in its backyard was a 16th century Jewish cemetery with over 300 preserved graves of incredible artwork!
The cemetery in Vienna's 9th district in Seegasse is Vienna's oldest preserved cemetery. It was opened in 1540 and first mentioned in a document in 1582.
The headstones date from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries and are of considerable artistic importance. Many renowned members of the Jewish community in Vienna such as Rabbi Menachem Hendel (1611), Rabbi Simeon Auer bach (1631), merchant Jakob Koppel Fränkel (1670), banker Samuel Oppenheimer (1703), Diego de Aguilar (1759), and Samson Wertheimer (1724) have found their last home at the cemetery in Seegasse.
The Contract of 1670: Following a pogrom against the Viennese Jews in 1670 under the reign of Leopold I, the Jewish merchant Koppel Fränkel paid 4,000 gulden for the commitment of the city to "preserve the cemetery for all times". From 1696, the banker Samuel Oppenheimer was known as owner of the cemetery. He took care of its restoration and had a stone wall put up around it. The graveyard was in use until 1784. In the course of the many reforms introduced by Joseph II, the cemetery had to be closed but its preservation was guaranteed for all times.
In 1978 the City of Vienna purchased the premises in Seegasse and promised to restore the graveyard once again. The contract of 1670 regarding the "preservation of the cemetery for all times" was still valid and was officially renewed in 1978 by mayor Leopold Gratz, when the City of Vienna committed itself to restoring and maintaining the graveyard.
So just thought we would share this wonderful experience and plan to have many more like these throughout our Pesach 2014 Riverboat Cruise & Tour as we explore the wonders and Jewish history and heritage of Central Europe!
Passover 2014 on the Danube • Vienna to Vienna Including: Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna and the Wachau Valley (Durnstein) • The Most Intimate, Exciting All Inclusive Passover Cruise Program • "The Entire Ship Kosher For Passover" • Only 70 Cabins - Exclusive Cruising For Only 140 Guests
For over 16 years, Kosher Expeditions unique and exclusive activity oriented Passover experiences allow you the opportunity to travel, explore and tour! No more sitting in a large hotel for days on end, waiting for the holidays to end. Picture yourself waking each morning, eager to explore a new European city or town filled with Jewish history and heritage—while also enjoying an unforgettable Pesach experience on the river.
Kosher Expeditions offers Jewish Travel & Kosher travel programs of the highest quality. Choose from custom kosher group tours to over 70 exotic destinations world wide.
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