Tour Ops
Exclusively Malta by Maxima Tours |
Maxima Tours is forging ahead.
(TRAVPR.COM) UNITED STATES AND CANADA - December 27th, 2015 - Jason Allan and Damon Allan are respectively Managing Director and Operations Manager of Maxima Tours, the company their mother, Gemma Allan, founded in 1989 after having worked elsewhere in the travel industry. Both have a marketing background, and diving into the "experience industry" came naturally to them. The Allans transformed the company into a family-friendly business, putting their family values up front in how they conduct business and communicate with their customers.
Working in the travel industry benefits Jason and Damon both personally and professionally, helping them strike a balance in their lives. "There's nothing like working in travel," Damon notes, "but as we all know, it's not always rosy - we have to work hard to earn the benefits of travel." The greatest is providing a service that creates experiences for people; to see the "wow" and overjoyed expressions on their faces, they say, is priceless.
The brothers find sustainability - in its current form - a challenge, and think some in the industry are missing the boat. They note a demographic shift, and changes to the group makeup. Younger retirees aren't necessarily willing right off to travel in larger groups, so marketing to them needs to change. "The more successful companies will be more creative with titling their tours and what kinds of services they offer, including free time options."
Maxima Tours embraces opportunities, targeting niche markets such as active living communities and bank travel clubs, and presenting newer destinations such as its Maltese Islands product. "Since our mother was born in Malta and we are both nationals, it made perfect sense for us to introduce 'our Malta' to North Americans." Maxima today has the best Malta itinerary for the cultural enthusiast and for those who like traveling in small groups with a persona, non-tourist feel. "We really get excited with any new destination that we offer."
The Allans primarily sell their own tours, which they've researched, yet have opened up to working with other tour operators to offer their customers more variety. "Tour operators have to look to other similar businesses in teaming up to sell tours, in some cases." Maxima has achieved early success through a partnership with the Travel Alliance Partners (TAP).
Jason and Damon feel people would say Maxima Tours is ahead of the curve. And they offer advice to those entering the industry. "Be creative and think outside the box. Don't think along the lines of the traditional group traveler: This big and be bold with your ideas - be that trailblazer."
This article was originally published in Groups Today Magazine (Serendipity Media) and written by Amy L. Charles. More information can be obtained through MAXIMA Tours at http://www.maxima.net, or at http://www.exclusivelymalta.com.
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