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Summer has been and gone and has left many of us dreaming of another gateaway. In fact, almost 70% of Brits suffer from the post-holiday blues.

(TRAVPR.COM) UNITED KINGDOM - September 16th, 2016 -

September has finally crept upon us, the kids have returned back to school and the nation has returned back to their everyday routines. This is when the holiday blues hits the hardest, setting in that summer is over and we are all now on the run up to Christmas.

Many speculate whether the holiday blues is a real thing or are we just looking for another excuse to take some time off. Travel experts, Just Fly Business have created a survey to find out how many of us actually suffer from the holiday blues and how much of an effect it has on our lives.

It was found that 70% of Brits suffer from the holiday blues and 30% admit that the thought of going back to work is the biggest factor for triggering their holiday blues.

September could be the hardest hitting month for the holiday blues; no more bank holidays so we are all back working knowing that there are no more three day weekends until Christmas. How much of the holiday blues are you feeling today?  

Brits Miss Their Pets More Than Their Family While On Holiday

If there’s one thing we all look forward to each year it’s going on holiday. Escaping the misery of English weather, the stress of work and indulging ourselves with the finest cuisine other countries have to offer.

We love our holidays so much that 53% of Brits travel abroad between one and three times each year and as soon as our getaway is booked we count down the days, boast to our friends and hit the gym to achieve that all important ‘beach body’.

While away, it’s usually common to miss your family or loved ones. However it seems that 24% of Brits actually miss their pets the most and only 19% say they miss their family.

Just as soon as our holiday comes around though, it’s time to leave again and we all know that feeling of dread when we have to get back to reality and our normal lives.

A survey carried out by Just Fly Business shows just how much we feel the holiday blues, why we feel them and what we can do to pick ourselves back up and move on from our holidays.

It was found that 70% of Brits suffer from the holiday blues, with Europe taking the title as the destination that left us with the heaviest feeling of ‘post-holiday blues’

After time away it can be hard to get out of rest mode. Thirty percent of people say that the thought of going back to work is the biggest factor in triggering their holiday blues. For some, taking a couple of extra days off work are an essential to recovering.

Dr Rachel Andrew, Psychology (BA Hons.) and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society says about ‘post-holiday blues’ symptoms; “We may have thoughts about ourselves, others and the world that include, "I am too busy", "I am not satisfied", "I am not achieving", "Others are too boring", or "This life is not what I want.". We might notice changes in our behaviour. We might be late, less involved with friends & family or do our work to a lesser standard.”

It seems as though our favourite thing to do to beat the blues is getting back into your own bed with 54% saying it is the thing that cheers them up the most.

Just Fly Business have recognised this as a problem most of us face when returning from a holiday. Alex Way, Managing Director at the company said, “The symptoms Dr Andrew mentions are extremely common and we mustn't forget to take care of ourselves when we get home from time abroad. We hope that ‘The 5 Stages of Holiday Blues: And How You Can Beat Them’ will help Brits get over their holiday grief.”

Although we eventually settle back into our daily routines 27% of people say that they are keen to book their next holiday within weeks of returning home, meaning they can start their countdown all over again.

You can see the full infographic here:



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Name: Alex Way
Company: Just Fly Business
Phone: 0208 417 1366
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