Fisherman's Rest are based south-west of Blantyre, Malawi. As well as providing accommodation, Fisherman’s Rest organise unforgettable experiences for their guests involving social and community projects around Malawi. Each month we publish their newsletter, which showcases all the exciting work they’ve been a part of.
(TRAVPR.COM) UK - August 9th, 2017 - Fisherman's Rest are based south-west of Blantyre, Malawi. As well as providing accommodation, Fisherman’s Rest organise unforgettable experiences for their guests involving social and community projects around Malawi. Each month we publish their newsletter, which showcases all the exciting work they’ve been a part of. This month, Fisherman’s Rest are proud to announce the finishing touches to the Chimwabvi and Nankhufi II primary schools. Both schools started out with grass shacks for classrooms, but with dedicated time spent to renovate and improve them, with support by Boble Foods and the Horton Family, both schools now have beautiful libraries with over 5000 books in each and fully functional classrooms. In order to produce the foundations of the new schools, Richard and Helen went out last year to volunteer at Fisherman’s Rest and share their expertise up-skilling and expanding the carpentry teams at Fisherman’s Rest. The team learned how to produce laminated beams that are far superior to the rudimentary timbers that were used before. The stunning woodwork now graces all the classrooms and libraries and the assistance has provided the local craftsmen with new life skills. Also featured in this month’s newsletter is the story of Maria Madzi Alipo. Maria visits the local water source daily to provide for her family, though recently the water source has come under threat from hyena who want to share the water. Fisherman’s Rest are working with NGO’s and organisations to change this, not only for Maria’s village, but across Malawi to provide safer and easier access to water.
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